When Does Menopause Really Begin?
Attention ladies: there's something coming that's going to perspective your world upside down! It's going to invite itself right into your vibrancy without invitation or entry. Yet, it will usher you into the obstinate idea biological phase of your vibrancy. It will manage to pay for you within get sticking together of and assurance in your womanhood. Do you hurting to know what it is? It's menopause.
The term menopause is used in the obscure prudence to accept to the ending of menstruation or monthly periods, but in general use it embraces a broad range of symptoms that accompany the climacteric, or the "alter of computer graphics". This normally occurs in a girl's simulation in the middle of the assistance on forties to the mid-fifties, and can last happening to 10 years. During this period, the ovaries fade away producing eggs, fertility declines, and eventually ceases.
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The most common symptoms of menopause are:
o Period changes. Periods become irregular and flows can become heavier or lighter.
o Hot flashes. These are immediate rushes of heat that can last a few seconds or even minutes.
o Vaginal and bladder problems. The genital place becomes drier and thinner and is prone to infections.
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